Ahmad Ma'ruf

Central Java, Indonesia | +62 851 7330 3967 | ahmadmaruf2701@gmail.com | linkedin.com/in/ahmaruff/ | github.com/ahmaruff

A Informatics student with a strong emphasis on web development. I've actively contributed to team projects and delivered web solutions. My current focus is on further exploring the field of Machine Learning, which aligns with my commitment to continuous improvement and making a positive impact in a professional setting

Programming: PHP, Python, Javascript, Go, HTML, CSS, Laravel, Flask, NodeJS

Database: SQL, MySQL, SQLite

Other: Design Thinking, Product Management, Linux System Administration, Network Administration


PT Kazee Digital Indonesia

Data analytics & media intelligence | IT services

Bandung, West Java, Indonesia

Full-stack Developer

Mar 2024 - Now

  • Part of Waktoo team
  • Developing integrated platforms for e-commerce services
  • Tech stack: PHP, Laravel, Javascript, VueJS, NuxtJS, MySQL

FIMH Studio

IT Consultant, specialized in Web Development

Wonosobo, Central Java, Indonesia

Full-stack Web Developer (Freelance, Project-based)

Jan 2023 - Sep 2023

  • Implemented AI chatbot prototype for customer service Web API using Python within 2 weeks
  • Integrated AI chatbot prototype with existing Laravel-based web app within a week
  • Designed & Developed a prototype for Student Admission System (PPDB) web app within 2 months
  • Developed custom websites and web applications based on client requirements
  • Tech stack: PHP, Laravel, Livewire, Javascript, Python, Bootstrap CSS, MySQL

Aura Computer

Computer store and service center

Wonosobo, Central Java, Indonesia

Technician (internship)

Sep–Nov 2018 & Jan-Apr 2019

  • Inspected & resolved hardware & software issues on customer's computer
  • Installed Local Area Network (LAN) on customer's building
  • Tech stack: System Administration, Network Administration, Computer Troubleshooting


Universitas Sains Al-Qur'an (UNSIQ)

S.Kom (B. Computer Science), GPA: 3.70/4.00 (Transcript)

Sep 2020 - Aug 2024

  • Developed a company profile website for Informatics Engineering's department within a month (Github)
  • Developed catalouges management system for Tour and Travel services within 2 months
  • 1st Place in Web Programming Competition (as team's project manager) - Festival Teknologi Jawa Tengah 2022
  • Acted as backend developer facilitator during the student orientation week (Oct 2023)
  • Courseworks: Web Development, Database Modeling, Software design & analysis, Project Management

Bangkit Academy By Google, GOTO, Traveloka

Machine Learning Cohort (Transcript)

Aug 2023 - Dec 2023

  • Contributed to the development of a Deep Learning-based mobile application for egg fertility detection using the candling method as a ML engineer (Github)
  • Top 1.000 Most Active Students in the ILT session (Tech and Softskills)
  • Top 1,000 performing students in English courses & tests
  • Courseworks: Tensorflow, Data Visualization, Regression & Classification, Machine Learning Modeling, Neural Networks

Binar Academy

Product Management Course (grade 4.6/5.0) (Transcript)

Feb 2023 - Jun 2023

  • Led a team of 7 to research & develop "Aquatrack", a prototype for Aquaculture monitoring app within a month (presentation)
  • Courseworks: Design Thinking, Product Benchmarking, Product & Business Research, Agile Project Management, Product Requirement Documents (PRD)

SMK N 1 Wonosobo (Vocational High School)

Teknik Komputer dan Jaringan (Computer and Network Engineering)

Jul 2017 - Jul 2020

  • 1st Place in IT Network & System Administration Competition. Lomba Kompetensi Siswa (Student Competencies Competition) Wonosobo regional level in 2019
  • Implemented Linux-based Web server, DNS server, and FTP server during final-year project
  • Courseworks: Network Administration, Linux Server Administration, Mikrotik, Cisco Packet Tracer

Projects & Achievements

Certification & Course

Scalable Web Service with Golang

Talenthub Indonesia (Certificate)

Nov 2023

Front-End Web for Beginner

Dicoding Indonesia (Credentials)

Feb 2022

Back-End Web for Beginner (NodeJS)

Dicoding Indonesia (Credentials)

May 2021

Javascript Basic Programming

Dicoding Indonesia (Credentials)

May 2021

Junior Network Administrator

National Agency of Profession Certification (BNSP)


Organization & Volunteer Works


Student Representative Council

Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science (2022-2023)

  • Led 3 commissions, which included the legislative, monitoring/supervisory, and advocacy commissions.
  • Drafted faculty-level regulations, including the procedure of law formation, monitoring and evaluation of student organization performance, and guidelines for Student Management Skills Training (LKMM)
  • Presented on critical thinking and growth mindset during the Student Management Skills Training (LKMM-Pra Dasar)


Informatics Engineering's Student Association

Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science (2021-2022)

  • Led and managed 5 departments, including Student Development, Public Relations, Entrepreneurship, Social Media, and the Religious Department.
  • Developed a clothing brand called Cloudstuff (Instagram)

Head of Student Development Department

Informatics Engineering's Student Association

Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science (2020-2021)

  • Initiated basic a programming workshop named Ngankod (Ngaji Koding)
  • Mentored new informatics students in basic programming training

Community Facilitator

Aksi Sehat dan Lestari Igirmranak

Wonosobo Sehat (Jan-Mar 2021)

  • Served as a facilitator for participants in the "Aksi Sehat & Lestari Igirmranak" program
  • This program was initiated to address the high incidence of stunting cases in Indonesia. This program targeted children, adolescents, and young mothers in the village of Igirmranak, Kejajar, Wonosobo, Central Java
Kunjungi CV saya dalam Bahasa Indonesia

© Ahmad Ma'ruf 2024